Predictive customer journeys

Written by Philipp Losbichler | May 15, 2019 10:39:42 AM


This year’s TM Forum Digital Transformation World is just a few days away. Working on our contribution to the Catalyst program, this means it’s crunch time for us, as we are stepping up our efforts to get our products in place and aligned for the event.

The Catalyst program has provided us with tremendous insights in the past: Not only does it allow us to work on an innovative prototype alongside top solution providers and with leading telcos as project champions, but it is also an excellent way to get a reality check on our vision for the future. We get to discuss our perspective with peers and learn from leaders in our industry.

Our contribution this year is to the project Maximizing Engagement with Predictive Customer Journeys Phase III. This Catalyst revolves around the idea of understanding CSPs as Digital Experience Providers (DXP) who build on their role within the community to provide consumer-focused experiences, which go beyond the realm of communication services. Instead, the idea is to turn stores into places of empowerment, designed to strengthen the fabric of society by creating a connection between emerging technologies and people of all ages.

How does NTS Retail benefit from the catalyst program?

The program is a great opportunity for us to test new products and features in a highly integrated setting. Each participant contributes a different piece of the solution - data needs to be synchronized and interfaces put in place for a working prototype. A perfect chance to stress test newly developed APIs and see how they perform in a complex real-world scenario.

The project is carried out with a short implementation time frame and the clear target of providing a great showcase at the event. As we are on the last push towards finalizing our contribution, there is a strong sense of team spirit: The collective goal is driving our international collaboration, pushing past the challenges of working collectively across different time zones.

Each Catalyst project is championed by international telcos who bring their expertise to the table, sharing their vision and guiding the project from an idea into a functional prototype. The conversations throughout the course of the collaboration help us understand which challenges telcos are dealing with and where they see our industry headed. These inputs help us align our existing and future products with emerging requirements and show us where need to take our software in order to get the most out of collaborations with solution and integration partners.

Learn more about the project









We presented the use case in Nice this year, gathering a lot of interest from an audience of industry experts.

Watch the video to get an impression from our on-site presentation.